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AgentFly Technologies

AgentFly Technologies is a technology and research company specializing in the simulation and control of unmanned aerial systems and air traffic management simulation. The company performs research, development, and operations in four areas.

UAS Integration into Shared Airspace (UTM) consists of advanced software tools, algorithms, and simulations for UAS operators, regulators, and service providers. Algorithms include advanced control of autonomous UAS, trajectory planning in complex environments, including geofencing, conflict detection and resolution, and integration of UAS into shared airspace. ATM Modeling and Simulation provides a large-scale simulation of tens of thousands of aircraft, physical and navigation environments, and cognitive models of air traffic controllers. Military and security operations utilize drones in complex systems for aerial protection of assets, intelligence, surveillance, target acquisition, and other tactical missions. Aerial work automation focuses on the automation of the whole processing chain - 3D trajectory planning, data acquisition, multiple sensor data fusion, and post-processing.

Role in the project
  • Development of large-scale simulation for ATM and U-space traffic

  • Integration and validation of environment models and trajectory optimization tools

  • Evaluation of proposed strategies for minimising environmental impact

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Osquars backe 8114 28 Stockholm, Sweden

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EN-Funded by the EU-POS.png

This Project has received funding from the European Union’s HORIZON Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement number 101096698

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