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From Research to the Real World: DronePrep’s Role in RefMap

Writer: RefMapRefMap

In this interview, Gareth Whatmore, CEO of DronePrep, shares insights into the company's contributions to RefMap and the project's broader implications for urban air mobility and aviation sustainability.

Facilitating Collaboration Between Academia and Industry

DronePrep’s primary role within RefMap is facilitation—connecting cutting-edge academic research with industry applications. Whatmore emphasizes that while RefMap brings together leading researchers in aviation and environmental science, DronePrep works to ensure that their findings translate into tangible, real-world outcomes.

Research in RefMap is being conducted by the members of the diverse consortium which includes Future Needs (FN), Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan (KTH), Delft University of Technology (TUD), the University of Salford (USAL), AgentFly Technologies (AFT), Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M), The University Of Birmingham (UoB), Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE), Science and Technology BV (S[&]T), and the Institute of Communication and Computer Systems (ICCS).

“We have some really superb academics on the project, and we're a commercial company that has architecture for projects using drones throughout Europe and the world,” he explains, “Our job is to help connect those academic concepts into real-world applications.”

“Refmap is hugely important. We have a nascent industry, and drones at the moment are a new technology. There are lots of things that need to be answered for that technology to prevail.”

Addressing Key Challenges in Aviation and Urban Air Mobility

Whatmore highlights the challenges that the aviation sector currently faces in areas such as the development of UAM (Urban Air Mobility).

“Lots of commercial companies at the moment are offering products, saying to the world that everything's ready, everything's finished,” he says. “But actually, do we see drones? Do we see electric aircraft flying in our skies every day? No, we don’t, because there are many things that we still need to solve.”

One of RefMap’s primary objectives is to develop models that help optimize flight paths while considering environmental and noise impacts. For drone operators and UAM services, this means ensuring that flight paths are sustainable and minimally disruptive to communities. DronePrep plays a key role in testing and validating these solutions in real-world scenarios.

Providing Critical Data for Regulators and Policymakers

One of the main reasons why regulatory decisions in aviation take time is the need for comprehensive, evidence-based research. Whatmore stresses the importance of RefMap’s research in providing the necessary data for policymakers to make informed decisions about integrating drones and electric aircraft into airspace.

“The results of the research are going to be very, very interesting. At the moment, we're trying to adopt drones and electric aircraft into our skies, and regulators need to make decisions about how that can safely take place. In order to do that, they need evidence. The research that's being collected as part of this project will help inform … standards for integrated transport in the future.”

Promoting Awareness and Collaboration

A critical aspect of RefMap’s success is engaging with stakeholders across the aviation ecosystem and DronePrep and other consortium members are keen to expand collaborations.

Whatmore encourages interested stakeholders—whether policymakers, aviation operators, or researchers—to engage with RefMap and explore opportunities to contribute to its objectives.

“If you’re inspired by the project, please do reach out,” he says. “We’d be delighted to learn more about your needs and how our research can support you.”

If you would like to be contacted by the RefMap team, please reach out to Dissemination partner Future Needs at

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This Project has received funding from the European Union’s HORIZON Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement number 101096698

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